
As we head towards 2025, your Board continues to reinvigorate our Club. Whilst we’ve made significant changes, improved the offer and addressed many legacy issues, there’s much more to do. To help us, the Board has invited David Binns to join as a co-opted Member of the Board with immediate effect. David has been a central part of our plans to bring sponsors to the Club. You’ll already have seen the results of his hard work. David has been tasked with two specific roles. First, to develop plans and proposals to introduce Padel to the Club. Once drawn together, it’s our intention to hold a meeting with Members to present the options and to seek support for a chosen route. David will also develop the Club’s sponsorship programme into 2025 and beyond. He’s also been invited to join the Tennis Committee under the leadership of Tom Philpot.  This committee has achieved significant progress with the introduction of pickleball and a range of new initiatives to improve our tennis offer to Members. We’re hoping that with these changes your Club will continue to develop, improve and offer more to you. Welcome David to your new role!

I’d also like to update you on a significant funding boost. As a result of a significant donation by the Towler family, we’re able to ring-fence a three-year support package for our Under 11 programme of coaching for tennis. We’ll also extend this to squash and support events aimed at 18 and under at our Club in the summer months. We’ll set out our full plans as they develop. This will include works to provide better access to our gym and swimming pool as well as a permanent solution for providing pickleball at the Club. Without the generous support of benefactors – many of our initiatives would not be possible. It’s with huge thanks to all our supporters and indeed Members that we have not only faced our financial challenges this year but head into 2025 with major projects funded. A particular thanks to the Towler family who have and continue to support your Club in so many ways, for the benefit of all.

We have also received significant help from a number of families and personal donors as we have tackled and indeed met our financial shortfall. A huge thank you again, on behalf of the Board and all of us to all our generous benefactors and sponsors who continue to support the Club. We’re heading into 2025 in a much stronger and more positive position. 

Our Club’s festive activities are in full swing. It’s your last call to get involved and book yourself in for our events. Here’s this week’s news.

Gym Equipment

Please be aware that Technogym will be servicing the equipment on Wednesday 18th December between 10am and 1pm. The gym will still be open; however some machines may be out of use during this time.

Festive Gym Fundraiser

Thank you to all who came and supported the Festive Gym fundraiser on Wednesday. We can confirm that we raised a total of £825! This will go towards new studio flooring and mirrors which we hope to undertake early next year.

Mulled Wine

The festive spiced wine is back! Grab your glass for only £2.50 from the bar.

Carols with Caryll | Christmas Eve

Caryll will be back with her infamous carol service which kicks of the celebrations ready for Christmas Day! We’ll be serving canapés again this year. However, a slight change of timings. We’ll be serving canapés from 5.15pm. Carols will then start at 6pm. So do pop down for a festive get together, drink, canapé and sing-song at the Club!

The event is free for Members and their guests to attend but to help with catering numbers, please email hannah@fosltc.com to note your attendance.

January Tennis Ladder Leagues

From 1st January we’ll be starting our NEW Tennis Ladder Leagues. Sign-ups sheets are on the tennis board in the foyer of the Club. We’ll be running a singles and doubles competition. Plus, it’s free to enter for Club Tennis and AAA Members!

Christmas Calendar

We’re in the thick of our festive activities but there’s still time to book!

We have last minute availability for our Christmas Parties on the 20th and 21st December. Click HERE to find out more.

Our family Christmas Disco is back on Sunday 22nd December. Tickets are selling fast so ensure you book in now HERE!

Our New Year’s Eve Party will make sure your year goes out with a bang! We have two tickets options this year. A 3-course dinner for only £50 pp and access to the Club and disco evening only for £15 per person. We’re got Andrew from SW11 DJ to take us all into the New Year! Tickets are selling fast so book yours now!

We’ve already started planning for next year. To view our full events calendar for 2025 click HERE

Look out for our Squash and Gym open day, Karaoke and Pizza, Wedding and event viewing weekend, Roast Sunday Lunches and Bangers and Bingo! And that’s just for January!!

Festive Opening Hours

As we come to the end of the month, our Club opening hours will change slightly over the period between Christmas and New Year. Please see a copy of our hours HERE

Thursday Games night is now on hold until the new year. As you can see, there’s plenty going on at the Club. We hope you’ll want to get involved and come and visit. Or dare I suggest book a tennis or squash court or a session at the gym!

Have a great week.

James Max

Club Chairman


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