It looks as if the good weather is returning. Not just for a day or two but we could have some really lovely spells over the coming weeks. And that’s wonderful news. Not least because we have our first ‘Grade 1’ tournament on the way. More of that later! As the season gets underway, there’s a LOT going on. So here, in one place, is everything that you need to know!
First I would like to offer a warm welcome to all our new and prospective Members! Thank you for coming to visit the Club at our Open Day last Saturday. In addition to the 66 new Members, many of you on this mailing list are here for the first time and we hope you’ll want to join us too! The Club is in the best shape it has been for many years. The facilities we have, the coaching and classes on offer, social activities and the offer for food and drink too. We are truly grateful that even in these difficult economic times that you’re choosing to be Members and we hope you’ll receive great value for being a Member of our Club. We are doing everything we can to keep costs down, to ensure price rises of our food and beverages are kept under control whilst ensuring we continue with our business model to improve your Club. There’s a lovely vibe at the moment. So, from all of us… Welcome!

For everyone, navigating the pandemic was difficult. For our Club, it meant making savings, using the furlough scheme and taking some difficult decisions. However with your support, we are now at Membership levels not seen since the early 1990’s. We are on our way to achieving our objectives and we hope to continue to build. 2022 is shaping up to be a busy and transformative year for our Club.
With that in mind, we do have a range of fundraising activities underway. Our main focus at the moment WON’T COST YOU A THING! Our EasyFundraising page. We have already raised over a thousand pounds. It’s literally FREE money! Here’s how it works. All you have to do is sign up and make any internet purchases via the site. It’s easy to set up. Costs you NOTHING and benefits the Club. If you are already signed up, please do make sure the site is active when you make your purchases. And if you are yet to do so… PLEASE do. It will make a huge difference for us. ALL funds raised go directly into the Club. Rather than give the money to credit card companies wouldn’t you prefer it comes to your Club?
Sign up here!
And a date for your diaries… Saturday 30th July. We’ll be running some fundraising events for our thatched roof fund… more details to come soon!
On the subject of our Open Day, I’d like to extend a huge thanks. To our amazing team at the Club who organised the day. To our wonderful volunteers who guided prospective members around the Club, put on activities and looked after our retail sales too! And to Sally Smith who once again ensured our bunting looked amazing and was up and flapping! To Ann Towler who continues to make sure ou outdoor flower display looks amazing! The courts, grounds, clubhouse indeed all of our Club was shining. We really hope you like the new Poolside Kitchen menu and that you’ll be frequent visitors to Paul and Liz and the team who have really upped our culinary offer.
On the subject of thanks… so often jobs are done by you! And putting up the tennis windbreaks was no different. Thanks to our volunteer team for getting stuck in!
Mark, Mel and Jonathan have done a super job at upping our bar offer. To receive your Member’s discount, please present your membership card at the bar and don’t forget to top up your cards. Pimm’s is on tap. We have our very own club lager, FOS LGR on tap too! And a wide range of wine and non-alcoholic drinks too. We also have a few bottles of Busi Jacobsohn (English sparkling) white and rosé… and we are selling those at below RRP. INCREDIBLE value!
Poolside Kitchen
We will be open ALL this week from 12 noon until 6pm, serving a range of sandwiches, hot food made to order and we’ll have some specials too!

This week sees the introduction of freshly baked cake at the bar! We’ll have daily specials so why no pop down for a cup of tea, coffee and slice of cake?
As H.M. Queen celebrates her Platinum Jubilee, so we’ll be joining in too! On Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd June we’ll have some ‘specials’ on the Poolside Kitchen menu including ‘Coronation Chicken’ jacket potato and British Bangers in a Bap! Pimm’s is on tap and we’ll make sure the Club is looking suitably festive. How or where better than to kick off the bank holiday weekend?! If you’re at a loose end… why not pop down to the Club?
Street Party on Connaught Avenue
The Club will be participating in the Jubilee Street Party in Connaught Avenue on Friday 3rd June 14.00 – 18.00. The street will be closed with activities running the whole length of Connaught Avenue. The Club will be hosting a demo of junior tennis coaching at 14.00 followed by an open invitation for the public to play on two courts which will be marked out in the street. There will also be a Croquet challenge and possibly some Gym & Fitness activities.
Please come along, support your local retailers, our town and enjoy the Party!
Walking Football
Fancy trying out walking football? The Walton Swifts have been resident with us for a few years now. And they’re keen to add players to their team. Is that you? All the info on how to get in touch with John Kilby and the team can be found here.
Walking football is open to males over 50 and females over 45. First taster session free. No need to book, just turn up on any Monday afternoon 2pm – 3.30pm or Wednesday evening 7pm to 8.30pm.
We are still working on our new croquet lawn but we are open, up and running! And that means we have the smaller lawn located on grass court 16 and the larger lawn available for play. If you’re interested? We have Club sessions, tuition and guidance available. Please do get involved. And in the US? Saturday 4th June is national croquet day! We’re super proud to have brought croquet back to our Club and to have such super facilities available. We are also blessed with the enthusiastic leadership of our croquet revival by Richard Everett and Ann Evander. Get in touch via the office to find out more.
Grade 1 Tennis Tournament
At our Club this week! 28th May to 2nd June 2022
The Junior National Tour is a series of tournaments throughout the year that give the best young players in the country the chance to play and compete against each other.
The national tour will be a combination of Grade 1 and Grade 2 tournaments – the highest levels for players in Britain – with competitions for all age groups from 9U to 18U.
This year the LTA is revamping the National Tour for the 11 to 14 year olds, to improve the experience and quality of competition opportunities. This includes four flagship Grade 1 events on each of grass, clay, hard and indoor hard courts at 11U, 12U and 14U age categories.
We are delighted that the Frinton-on-Sea Lawn Tennis Club is hosting a Grade 1 12U & 11U Event. You’re welcome to come and watch the stars from the future play at our Club!
Father’s Day
We have a special Sunday Lunch scheduled for Sunday 19th June. If you haven’t booked yet we have two sittings and an epic menu on offer and bookings have been brisk! To reserve your table for the last Roast Sunday lunch until the autumn… Book here.
Italian Wine Event – Italy Uncorked
On Friday 8th July the Club is hosting a paired wine and dining evening. We’re selling out fast and if you haven’t booked in yet? Please reserve your places and table now! Hosted by our President Martin Tinsley with our special wine guide for the evening, former Evening Standard Wine Critic, Steve Pryor. Please do come and join us! Chef and his team are pulling out all the stops. It should be a fun, informative and tasty evening! All the details and booking information can be found here.
Towels and Mugs
Ford Prefect, in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, always suggested that you need to know where your towel is. He was right. And there’s no better version than our very own high quality towel in our wonderful Club colours! We have a limited number of beach towels and sports towels available. When they’re gone… they’re gone! The big towels are perfect for the beach, poolside or taking on holiday! And the new sports towels are an essential if you’re playing tennis, squash or at the gym! We have had a batch made – but as I said when they’re all sold… we won’t be getting any more in for a while. Same goes for our epic new mugs! A perfect gift, beach hut accessory or why not have a few in your kitchen! They are reasonably priced at £30 for the towel, £9 for the sports towel and £9 for a mug. All available via the office! Buy yours before they go!

Clothing Store
A lot of orders have already been placed for our brand new clothing range. If you haven’t delved in yet… please do order your kit today! You can see all the designs online or a sample at the Club. There’s a 10% discount for members off the RRP. MEMBER10 is the code to use. Click here for the details!
Hooray. Our grass courts are back! Especially whilst we have the tournament on, booking is essential. But please do book your court as a matter of course. If the net is down, it’s down for a reason. If you have booked a court and the net is down, please find another one to play on as that court is being rested. We are at the beginning of the season and have to preserve our courts as best we can as they get used to being played. If you are bringing guests, please sign them in (and pay!) and if you spot anyone who you don’t recognise, please do ask if they’re Members. We are happy to welcome guests but we aren’t a charity!
Finally, please can you make sure you wear appropriate clothing on court. Recognised tennis gear is the rule. Please, no football shirts on court! And be careful with your footwear. If you wear the wrong shoes they can rip up our courts. A few other pieces of guidance;
- Please do not practice your serving on courts 1 – 12
- Courts sometimes need to be rested. If the net is down? Please leave it down!
- If courts are wet, please don’t play on them!
As it’s half term week, we have some junior tennis camps running on Tues/Weds/Thurs next week. You can book here as well as find out details of all our coaching activities from Pete and his team.
And to forward plan? We’ll have some more junior tennis camp classes from 20th July until the 18th August.
Tennis Competitions
If you haven’t signed up for the Club Championships? Please do – sign up sheets are on the Notice Board.
We are adding Pimm’s to our champagne and strawberries Wimbledon whites progressive on Sunday 10th July! This is Men’s Finals Day at Wimbledon. We’ll screen the match on our large TV in the Clubhouse with a 12 noon start. The price is £10 for adult entries to include glass of bubbly or Pimm’s and strawberries & cream. Under 18’s £5 to include non alcoholic drink and strawberries and cream. Family entry £20. Food will also available. Bonus points for wearing white – points deducted if not!!! Open to members and staff. Sign up sheets will go up in the Clubhouse.
Vickie and the team have a whole array of options for juniors available. Including squash camps. They’re becoming really popular so you must book! Please sign up now for special offers and to secure a place. For adults and juniors alike, If you’d like to play, why not get in touch. The courts are there and there’s racketball available too. More info here.
We are planning a new ‘Aquafit’ class. yes… fitness classes IN OUR HEATED POOL! Roberta will be leading those classes and we’d like to start in June. If you are interested PLEASE sign up ASAP so we can gauge interest. Many of you have asked about this to be provided as an option and now it’s going to happen. It’ll be a hoot and great exercise too! Of course we have a full range of other classes too – so do sign yourselves in. And if you’ve not had a gym induction yet and are eligible to do so (AAA and Life Members in particular) just make contact with Katy to get yourself inducted!
Don’t forget we have a wide range of classes, from yoga to general fitness and spin. All, you have to do is sign up and get involved!
Swimming Pool
The heated outdoor swimming pool is now open! We have a lifeguard for juniors available this weekend (Saturday and Sunday from 12.30 – 5.30pm) And also next Wednesday, Friday and weekend too. If you want your children to have a swim? You MUST book please as space is restricted for our lifeguards to operate effectively. You can book a spot here. Adult swimming is every morning (but not Mondays!). No booking for adult swims are necessary.
If you’re planning a party, event, private dining or even a wedding. Our Club could be right for you. Our diary is getting quite busy! However for more details, please speak to Glenys who will be happy to run through the options with you. Discounts are available for Members.
And finally. I often say we have some of the best sporting and social facilities in the area. We really do! Please take full advantage of everything we have to offer. Bring your friends, your family and your neighbours and introduce them to our Club. We hope you’ll enjoy all the existing and new offerings we have.
Have a great week and please do pop down to watch some tennis as our first tournament of the season gets underway!
James Max
Club Chairman
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