
Last week we launched an urgent fundraising initiative for the Club. With a target to raise at least £40,000 to get us back on an even keel. I am pleased to report that through the generosity of Members and benefactors we have made significant progress. Whilst we are yet to reach our target, I am confident we will do so. Of course I will keep you updated.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to help us, or perhaps have considered sponsorship through your company or want to be in contact with any ideas, please do get in touch. These are the initiatives we are currently running HERE

Some of you have been in contact to say you’d like to help, however, funds are tight. But there IS a way YOU can help. We have an established fundraising plan that costs you NOTHING. So PLEASE do sign up to our EasyFundraising page. This means that every time you make an online purchase instead of the company you’re buying from or bank taking all the commission, we at the Club receive it. So far, we have raised over £2,500 from this initiative.

To explain more and to sign up – click HERE

Please sign up. And if you’ve already joined, don’t forget to activate it for your online purchases.

It costs you NOTHING. Thank you!

Now on to this week’s news.

Pickleball Tournament

Thank you to everyone who played in our Pickleball fundraiser tournament on Sunday! I even gave up the opportunity to attend our Roast Sunday Lunch to join in. We had 16 players who thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and plenty of fun was had. A massive thank you to Abi and Jon for running the tournament.

Congratulations to our Winner, Mark Grover who won all of his matches! And to Jon Oakes who came second winning 9/10 of his games

If you’re interested in playing pickleball, why not come along to one of our social sessions?! More info can be found HERE

And the good news is that we are well on the way to raising enough money to paint lines on court to make pickleball a permanent offer. We’ll be in touch with all tennis players soon with our proposals so you can have your say on how we do this.

Murder Mystery | Saturday 16th November

Only 3 weeks to go until our Killer at the Casino Murder Mystery! Set in 1920’s Chicago, it’s a case of ‘who dunnit’ and will you be lucky and work it out?!

Tickets are £50pp which includes a 2-course dinner and all the murder mystery action!

For more info click HERE

Squash Club Championships

We’re halfway through the Annual Squash Championships and its not long until the big finals day on Saturday 16th November. Make sure you, ‘Save the Date’, it should be an exciting match! Times of all matches will be released next week.

Christmas Calendar

With the festive season fast approaching, we have plenty lined up for you to enjoy. Our festivities kick off with our Christmas market on 30th November. Our other events are:

Wreath Making workshop – Thursday 12th December

Christmas Parties:

Friday 13th December

Saturday 14th December – limited availability!

Friday 20th December

Saturday 21st December

Members’ Christmas Lunch – Sunday 15th December

Kids Christmas Disco – 22nd December

Carols with Caryll – 24th December

For our full events calendar, click HERE

Junior Membership

Did you know that we’ve extended our junior membership category so it now includes children up to the age of 18?!

For just £90 a year, you can benefit from access to Tennis, Squash/Racquetball, Swim, Social, Croquet (with an Adult) & Gym (16 and over)! If you’ve got a junior who’ll be interested in joining the Club, it’s amazing value, contact us now!


Don’t forget to put your clocks back an hour this Sunday. We may get an extra hour in bed, but it’s a sign winter is on the way. Which means booking (and paying for!) lights on court too. Please book online or via the office.

Spooky Games Night! Thursday Night

Halloween happens to coincide this year with Thursday Night is Games Night. And we’d be foolish not to get involved. See what I did there? The Club will be suitably decorated, we’ll have pizza on offer and some spookily good offers on selected drinks too. So pop on down to play some games and enjoy a special themed social evening!

Roast Sunday Lunch | Sunday 24th November

I’m told that last Sunday’s roast lunch was epic. ‘The best yet’ I was loudly informed when I popped into the Clubhouse after the pickleball tournament. Ah well. It’s time to book in for the next one… Bring family, friends, or neighbours for a delicious Roast Sunday Lunch at the Club. To see the menu and link to book yourself a table HERE

Well done to all who donated last Friday to Breast Cancer Now. We raised a total of £75.00! Congratulations to the 6 winners from the raffle; Martina, Tom, Trevor, Helen, Frankie and Ellie. They all took home a bottle of Rose kindly donated by Frinton Wine Boutique.

And as always, all courts in the bubble need to be booked, please ensure you are booking and paying for the correct time slots. Please speak to the office if you have any queries.

That’s it for now. Have a great week!

James Max

Club Chairman


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