Final Fizz Call
We are almost booked up for the Busi Jacobsohn fizz tasting event at the Club on the evening of Saturday 9th April. But seriously? You don’t want to miss the fizz tasting (it really is EXCELLENT), the chance to meet the vineyard’s owners Douglas & Susanna or even the delicious dinner that Chef and his team will be preparing. All the details on menu, the event and booking is here. You’ll need to book by close of business on Wednesday.

Easter Sunday Lunch – 17th April
The second late dining session is now full. Bookings for the earlier sitting can still be made although we expect to be fully booked soon. The menu looks very tasty, so why not book now?

We’ll be emailing out a full list of April’s Club events on Monday so do look out for those and make a note in your diary!

On to sports…


Entry is now open for the Colchester and District 91st Individual Closed Tournament.

Here’s how to enter.

Open for entries: Tuesday 29th March.

Closing Deadline: Tuesday 3rd May, 10am.

To enter: Go to the main LTA website. There’s no need to login. Select ‘compete’ from the top list of options.

‘Find a Competition’ appears below under the ’take part’ sub menu. Click on this and it will take you to the competition specific website.

In the top search bar, type in the following tournament code: ESS-22-0262. This will take you to the Colchester and District Individual Tournament and enable you to enter.

The following link will also take you directly to the tournament: Colchester and District 91st Individual Closed Tournament 2022 | LTA – Tennis for Britain

The above information can also be found on the Colchester and District Tennis League website.

We are beginning to put in place a range of events and activities for the summer season. We will be starting Croquet afternoon club sessions on Wednesday afternoons from 6th April starting at 3pm. These will run every week until October.

We are also running a U3A morning on Thursday mornings for 7 weeks from 14th April – this is only bookable through U3A not us (and there is highly likely to be a waiting list).

New members (affectionally called rabbits, apparently) will be running every Saturday afternoon from mid April.

Club competitions both Association and Golf Croquet are running for experienced members from now. For details please speak to Richard or Ann or via the office.

For details on the Club nights, please click here and we are holding Easter Squash Camps for juniors. Details are here.

Classes are getting booked up and we have a range of activities available with something suitable for everyone! Details are here and don’t forget that if you are an AAA member or would like to upgrade, our gym is one of the best facilities in the area!

Tonight sees Karaoke in the bar. You’re welcome to join in. The last one was, by all accounts, quite a hoot. Although not necessarily and in-tune hoot! On a more sober note, however, we’re all aware of the current escalation in prices that’s going on. We’re trying to keep our costs under control and any price rises to a minimum. However, due to some of our supplier costs increasing, some of our bar prices will be increasing from today.

Volunteers Required!
Don’t all run to the hills..! We have our Club Open Day on Saturday 21st May. If you can help in the run up by delivering leaflets locally to where you live OR you’d be up for helping on the day. Just being nice to visitors and showing them around the Club etc, please do get in touch with Glenys. THANK YOU!

No April fool’s day jokes from me but I hope you have a good week and please do come and visit!

James Max
Club Chairman


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