Following the message from the President, a few points of clarification from me that may help ahead of the AGM to be held at the Club next Friday 15th October at 7pm.
The Board consists of a minimum of five Directors. At this year’s AGM, four members of our Board, which includes me, must retire and seek re-election because we have served for a term of three years. All four of us are seeking re-election for a second three year term. Our Treasurer, Clive Allenby has only served for two years and will, therefore, be up for election next year.
In addition, to the four existing Board Member candidates standing for election, Nigel Oakley, a member of the general Committee, has also decided to stand. That means that the four candidates, from the shortlist of five, with the most votes will be elected to the Board.
The Committee will be selected by the Board from the nominated candidates. As there are the same number of candidates as places available we will simply ratify the nominations at the AGM. The Board also determine the roles for Directors, The Committee and the identity of the Chairman.
In alphabetical order the five people standing for the four places available on the Board are;
Nick Gough *
Victoria Kunzer *
James Max *
Richard Noel *
Nigel Oakley
*denotes existing Board Member
The four candidates with the most votes will be selected to the Board. You will be asked either by postal proxy, email to the Club Manager or in person to vote for UP TO FOUR of the five candidates for selection to the Board. You may vote only once. Either by proxy, in person or via email. Only adult Members of the Club are eligible to vote.
The details of the candidates and their statements are on Martin Tinsley’s email and in the papers being posted to all Members.
These papers have now been posted. If you have not received your papers or have any queries, please direct them to Kim or Martin Tinsley.
If you are sending your vote in by proxy (email or post) these MUST be received by the Club Manager by the close of business on Wednesday 13th October.
In other news, this is my last message to you before the AGM. Of course I hope I will remain in post but that’s up to you! So I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my current Board and Committee for the incredible work they have done over the past three years. You have, I hope, seen the changes we have brought about. Behind the scenes to set strategy, deal with problems, issues and manage your Club. To reinvent ourselves and find ways in which we can improve the offer to you, our Members. To get projects funded has been an epic amount of work and we hope you’ll agree that it’s all been worth it. And despite the small matter of a pandemic in which the Club shut for an unprecedented amount of time, we are still here. In fact we are in better shape than the Club has been for many years. And that’s also testament to our amazing staff who work hard for the Club and for us Members. Thank you!
And I’d like to thank YOU too. Our Members. You have supported us financially by staying as members. Donated when we have asked (repeatedly) for money and donations. And for your time and to visit. Thank you for your support. It makes all the hard work of everyone involved worthwhile. Of course out Club is a work in progress. There’s plenty more to be done to invigorate, improve, surprise and delight.
At the AGM, setting aside the formal business of elections and reporting, this time around we have added excitement. Canapés! And we will be looking to put on some special drinks and offers too, to make it all worthwhile. If you are planning to attend, please can you email Kim@fosltc.com so we can cater appropriately for numbers.
Further news…
The ‘Winter Box League’ ( singles, doubles and mixed doubles) sign up sheet is now up. If you are interested in internal winter competition, please put your details on the notice board before the end of the month. Good luck!
Please remember that if you want to play tennis you must book. If you haven’t and someone else shows up and they have booked your court? Please make way.
The Autumn FREE half-term events for juniors are available NOW. So please do sign up and get involved. Vicky Prow and her team are pulling out the stops to revitalise our squash offer for juniors and older players alike!
The Ship Inn
As you may have heard, The Ship Inn at Great Holland is re-opening on Friday 15th October (yes, I know it’s the day of our AGM!). We wish them all the very best and hope to arrange a trip across the fields very soon to visit!
The Gym, Walking Football and table tennis all continue. And we hope to be able to return to croquet very soon.
Details of everything we do and all the plans we have for Christmas and New Year are on the website. Please BOOK now! Meanwhile having welcomed Chef back to the Club for the most delicious Sunday Lunch – we have more plans on the way. Similarly if you’ve not made a booking for the Frinton Literary Festival yet, they’ll be with us at the end of the month with some wonderful guests and events, a Literary Lunch and a return of Afternoon Tea to the Club and some wonderful drinks too are on the menu. All details are on the website. www.frintonliteraryfestival.co.uk or via Caxton Books on Connaught Avenue.
That’s it for now. I’ll steer clear of electioneering but hope to be writing again to you after the AGM!
Have a great week.
James Max
Club Chairman
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