
It’s a bank holiday weekend, so I suppose we should expect some rain and fairly shoddy weather. And that’s what we have, unfortunately. What a miserable end to the summer. Oh well, cheer up! At least we have the Bank Holiday Monday to enjoy, the possibility of a few sunny spells and some wonderful events going on in Frinton and at our Club with plenty to look forward to. So here’s this week’s news.

Karaoke | TONIGHT!

No plans for this evening? Fear not…. we have a bank holiday ‘Karaoke Extravaganza’! It’s back. And it’s free! Your hosts will be James Blackman and Bill Greeno and it all kicks off at 8pm. Why not pop down to the Club, order a few drinks at the bar (please drink responsibly yada yada) pick your favourite track and sing your heart away! If you can sing in tune? That would be a bonus.

Croquet Finals Day | Sunday 27th August

The first final for the 2023 croquet season was played in advance of finals day because of the availability of players. The Andrew Hunter Memorial trophy for golf croquet doubles was won by Mike Garratt and Topsy Easteal in a close run match. The game started off looking like a walkover with Mike Topsy scoring the first 4 hoops but Mel Whitworth and Sam Collett clawed back the next 3. With scores almost even on the penultimate, Mel deployed her pool skills and scored a devilish in-off getting the partnership to 6-5. The Response from Mike was to shoot for Rover sticking his blue into the jaws of the hoop ensuring the win for the team on the next go. Not sure what that all means? Then it sounds like you’ll need an induction into croquet! And the team are always on hand to provide instruction and tuition.

The match was watched by a raucous crowd of members, guests, potential new members and associated hangers on!

The Andrew Hunter memorial trophy will be awarded by Margaret Hunter the widow of Andrew a founder player of the Club to the winners Mike and Topsy on Sunday 27th at 5:30pm on finals day.

The order of play for the following matches on Sunday is:
♦ ONE BALL 11:30am
Ann vs Mike
♦ GC SINGLES 1:00pm
Maggie vs Richard
♦ AC DOUBLES 2:30pm
Pam and Mike vs Susie and John
♦ AC SINGLES 4:00pm
Stephen vs Richard

Swimming & Poolside Kitchen | This Weekend

We are very sorry, but due to our lifeguards being unavailable and a poor weather forecast our pool will be closed for children’s swimming this Saturday and Sunday.
On Saturday our poolside kitchen will be open from 3-6pm, so feel free to pop down for a cheeky burger and drink, it’s bank holiday weekend after all, right?

On Sunday as well as the pool, our poolside kitchen will stay closed as well BUT our pool will be open on Bank Holiday Monday. The swimming pool will be open for Children’s swimming with a lifeguard and the Poolside Kitchen will be open from 12-6pm. Book your slots HERE.

Please be aware that as the summer comes to an end, our pool will be closing soon. For children after Sunday 3rd September and for adults after Sunday 17th September. We know the weather doesn’t look great, but the pool is heated so why not enjoy as much swimming as possible!

Breaking News | Triangle Tournament

The final of our Triangle Tournament will be taking place this Bank Holiday Monday. It’s The Cricket Club vs FOS LTC starting at Midday at Frinton Cricket Club. This match has been rearranged a few times as rain stopped play. Third time lucky! You’re all welcome to come along to support our players. Hopefully, it will be a third win for our Club. Our thanks must go to Gerry Howe and Stabilised Pavements Ltd, SPL for their generous sponsorship and all three of Frinton’s great sporting clubs for supporting this event. And to Bill Greeno for coordinating the Club’s activities. Good luck! 

Adnams Wine Tasting Networking Event | Friday 1st September

Adnams Wine Tasting Networking Event | Friday 1st September 5-7pm
Join Adnams’ Frinton and New Hall Wine Estate for an evening of wine tasting and business networking at The Frinton-On-Sea Lawn Tennis Club.

Adnams is steeped in history dating back to 1872 and still brewing in Southwold. Adnams now has a large range of products from Bitter, Lager, Prosecco, Wine and Spirits. Kelly and Adam, based in the local Connaught Avenue branch, will be hosting the evening at our Club to share their knowledge and advice about their selection of classic wines.

Lucy from New Hall Wine Estate, based in Purleigh Essex, will be here to explain about their English wines and the process it takes from grape to bottle. Lucy will be showcasing their delicious and aromatic English white wine, made exclusively for Adnams.

This is a great opportunity to come along and meet other local business people, and try a fantastic selection of wines in a beautiful setting.

Yes, it’s free to attend but we need to account for numbers. Please RSVP for this event by emailing karen@fosltc.com

Club Championship Finals 2023 | Saturday 2nd September 2023

The competition is on! Who’s going to win? We’ll just have to see who’s stronger and better on the day at the culmination of this year’s hotly contested tennis Club Championship. Play will begin at 10am. As always you’ll be able to watch some great matches. Our courts may be greener than we can remember, so let’s hope the weather is kind to us and that our players will be able to play their finals matches on the grass.

The Poolside Kitchen will be open to cater to all your food-related needs and as ever, the bar will be open too. Pimm’s anyone? Or was it a very reasonably priced FOS LGR you wanted? Either way we have a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available! And special events will be held at the Club throughout the day with a prize giving event too. For a great day out, please join in the fun and show your support to our players. Good luck to all our competitors who have reached the final stages of this year’s competition.

Roast Sunday Lunch | Sunday 10th and Sunday 24th September

They’re back! Our now famous Roast Sunday Lunches are returning for the Autumn season. With two fabulous menus on offer, table service in the Ballroom and a very tasty lunch prepared for you, we’re taking bookings and it’s already filling up. So please don’t miss out. Book your tables and lunch right away! HERE

Frinton Summer Theatre | My Fair Lady – Playing until 2nd September

The reviews are in and you don’t want to miss this show! Last week, the cast and musicians were rehearsing in our Club’s ballroom. And now the show is up and running in the big-top tent on the Greensward! Please do support our local theatre – as the reviews say… “The enthusiasm of everyone involved is clear to see and being able to see such a big production locally is a real boon to the audience who would usually have to travel to the West End for such a show.” Book your tickets HERE.


FOS|LTC Squash are buzzing with excitement and gratitude that Court 1 now has a brand new door!

Thank you for all the donations to make this project a reality; Cochrane Tree Services, RTHCO, Henkel Ltd, Europit Tyres, YBS and Boydens. Your support has made the installation of our new integrated glass squash door on Court 1 a fantastic success.

Special thanks and bravo to Jack Bruce for organising the fundraising and overseeing the installation.

Squash League

Our August/September leagues are now in action! You can see who is up against each other in the squash courts!

For anyone wanting to get involved in the leagues, please sign up on the sheet or get in touch with Jack Bruce. His contact details are also available on the sign up sheet.

After School Junior Sporting Clubs

Are you planning to keep your child active and entertained over the next school year? Then look no further!
We have some great and affordable tennis and squash coaching starting in September.
This six-week programme builds fundamental skills and confidence, encouraging kids to reach for the stars on and off the court. All equipment required is included in the price of each of our sports clubs. You don’t have to worry about a thing! Just book in and show up!

Tennis 4-8 yrs | Tuesdays 4-5pm – Book HERE

Squash 5-9 yrs | Wednesdays 4:15-5pm – Book HERE


Our gym is being used by many of you and we’re mindful of others and wish to keep our facilities clean and welcoming for all.
Should you wish to expand your gym workout and try some of our fitness classes, please click HERE to see what is on offer. We have many different classes catering for all ages and abilities with a range of different activities on offer. It’s always great fun exercising together and meeting new friends.

A gentle reminder to all our gym-goers.
1) Book your workout HERE
2) Wipe down any equipment used
3) Footwear must be worn
4) Please keep windows shut when A/C on

And do spread the word about our amazing fitness team and facilities!

Christmas Parties | Now on Sale!

Too early for a bit of festive sparkle? Nope. We like to get organised and please get booking!
All the events are now available to book online HERE or speak to our lovely events staff. Our Christmas parties were such great fun last year and we are planning to make them even bigger, better and more spectacular for 2023! We’re receiving bookings already, so be quick and secure your preferred date sooner rather than later.

and lastly….. we welcome well behaved dogs to the Club. However if you do bring your doggo, please keep them on a lead at all times, don’t take them into the Clubhouse or allow them on any of the grass courts and, finally, if your hound decides to leave a cheeky poo – please do pick it up!

That’s it for this week. Don’t forget that if you have any suggestions on how we might improve what we offer, or you have any suggestions you’d like us to pursue, do get in touch directly or pop a note into our secure suggestion box, located in the foyer.

Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend and a great week too.

James Max
Club Chairman


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