This week, I bring you fabulous, amazing and brilliant news. We have reached our Thatched Roof Fundraising target! There’s a huge list of thank you messages. To every one of you who has donated. Small or big, you have been amazing. And we are hugely appreciative of your support. I won’t do a roll call of everyone as the list is too long! What I will do is to say that on this funding effort, you have stepped up to the plate and supported in a myriad of different ways. The Board and I are truly grateful. We have also had significant help from one anonymous donor, The Towler Family and the Constance Travis Trust. All of whom have made significant contributions to this particular fundraising effort. Our thanks go to all of you who have so generously supported your Club. And to all those who made the fundraising events happen. Supported them and made a real difference. Thank you!
The works will commence early in the New Year and our Club Thatched Roof will be refurbished by the start of our summer season. This will give 30 years of life to this iconic part of our Club. Now we can focus on a key part of our strategy, to start setting aside for a sinking fund to deal with any urgent or arising matters and we will also be drawing up plans to fund and (finally) instal a disabled WC for the Clubhouse.
That doesn’t mean we are out of the woods. We all know that the significant economic headwinds are blowing. We hope you will stick with us, keep your membership running and most importantly use your Club and enjoy all we have to offer!
And please don’t worry. Every penny we raise will be spent wisely. So, if you still want to donate – we’ll happily accept your donation. There’s still a lot of work to do at our Club! HERE
On to this week’s other news.
As the weather becomes distinctly autumnal, so our focus shifts to our winter activities. The gym remains busy and we hope you’ll want to get involved. Either by registering for an induction session, changing your Membership so you can do so (if you aren’t an AAA or gym Member already) and registering for one of the wide array of classes we have on offer. Whether it’s classes, yoga, pilates or whatever you fancy! It’s all there for you to get involved. Our squash courts can be booked and you’re welcome to play racket ball. Our bubble over the tennis courts is up and available to book HERE or if you fancy the fresh air, the lights are all (currently) working! You can book online – or do speak to the office if you have any questions – they’ll be happy to help!
And half-term is on the way. If you haven’t booked your junior Members in yet… there are a range of coaching sessions available for tennis and squash HERE.
Looking for a new sport or sharpen up your skills? Squash is exciting, energetic and FUN!
Members and team players – Join us from 1pm on Saturday for a World Squash Day Tournament
Why not drop in for a FREE taster session between 10am – 12 noon
Booking essential: Contact Vickie: 07796181286 or email: squash@fosltc.com
Friday night is music night! And it all kicks off in the Clubhouse from 8pm this evening. James Blackman and Bill Greeno will preside over the evening’s entertainment. It’s free to participate, so do pop down for a drink or three, have your requests at the ready, take the mic and show everyone just what an amazing singer you (think) you are!
Sunday Lunch
Roast Sunday lunch is ON this Sunday! Served in the Ballroom between 12 and 2.30pm it’s available to book. But get in FAST as bookings need to be made online or via the office. Deadline is midnight tonight (Friday). There’s another delicious menu put together by Chef including roast beef, roast lamb, pan fried sea bass or there’s a delicious veggie option too! Bring your friends and family! We hope you’ll book a table. All the information is HERE.
Southern France
I’d love a holiday. But work seems to get in the way. A cheeky alternative may be our next wine tasting event to be held on Saturday 19th November. We are sorting out the details but there will be at least 5 wines to try on the night, a delicious dinner prepared by Chef and expert guidance by the wonderful Steve Pryer. It’s just £65 a head, including dinner and wine. For details and to book HERE.
The Club’s AGM will be held on Friday 11th November. We’ll set out more details next week – but if you want to stand for our Board, the booking sheet is now up. Nick Gough who has valiantly served as a Non-Executive Board Director has decided to retire after 4 years of service. Nick’s contribution has been immense. Overseeing the revitalisation and refurbishment of our gym. Not only working with Katy and the team to up our offer but also personally getting his hands dirty, handle our negotiations with Technogym and doing a lot of painting! He’s also contributed a significant amount of his time to the Board. I’ll have more of a chance to thank Nick at the AGM but we are looking for a replacement. Our Treasurer, Clive Allenby, is up for election this year and has decided that he’d like to continue for another term. As with any post, this is an elected role and we encourage any of you who wish to stand to put your name forward, as proposed and seconded by Members. The forms are on the notice board. And if you want to find out what’s involved please do get in touch with me.
With our major fundraising for the last legacy project done, we can now turn our attention to the next phase of delivering our plans for your Club. We are acutely aware of the challenges we face and the economic turbulence we’ll have to navigate. Stick with us – we’re in it for the long term!
Have a great week
James Max
Club Chairman
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