Finally some half decent weather… and we are making sure that your Club is fully open over the bank holiday weekend! Please do come and see us… Here’s what’s going on.
Our opening hours will be as usual over the weekend and from 9am on Monday.
I am delighted to say that after a lot of hard work, the swimming pool is back in action. Do make sure that if you want to bring your children down for a swim you must book. And please don’t book more than one session per day so as to allow others a chance to have a swim!
Poolside Kitchen
We’ll be open today (Friday) for full service, over Saturday and Sunday we’ll have sandwiches, sausage rolls, ice creams and drinks available. And some specially prepared snacks too. On Bank Holiday Monday the PoolSide Kitchen will be OPEN for a full-service lunch between 12pm and 6pm. The weather forecast is looking good, so why not make a point of visiting the Club and ordering a tasty lunch from Jamie and the team! All the details of the opening hours are on the website.
Mid Summer Classic
Last Tuesday evening saw 60 tennis players competing in our Mid Summer Classic. The weather was kind and it was great to see all the grass courts in use and a real buzz about the Club. There were three groups – Ladies, Mens A and Mens B with 4 matches of 5 games being played and the leading 4 players from each group going into finals. The speed machine was also in operation to record the fastest serve.
The winners and runners up were:
Ladies – winners Annette Shaw & Shiho Main; runners up Natalie Grover & Maddie Coombes
Mens A – winners Christian Fulcher & Ian Quinton; runners up Marcus Eatherton & Chris Everton
Mens B – winners Tom Philpot & Sam Manzur; runners up Mike McLain & Phil Gray
Fastest Serve – Phil Gray & Shiho Main
Medals and prizes were awarded together with raffle prizes. Dinner was then served together with some well earned drinks in the bar.
Our thanks go to Mike McLain, assisted by Clare Young and Clive Allenby, for their excellent organisation of the tournament. The food and service were fantastic and thanks go to Jamie and his assistants. Steve, as always, had all the courts well prepared, Mark & Paige worked wonders in the bar and Kim & Kat helped behind the scenes. Thanks to all those involved including the participants for making this a great evening.
Grass Courts
The grass courts are still playing magnificently and with just a few weeks to go before the season comes to an end, book a court and have a game!
Club Championships
The finals for this event and also for our juniors tournament will be on Saturday 4th September so please make a date in your diaries to come and watch some great tennis and if your children or grandchildren are yet to sign up to the juniors tournament? You know what to do! And you’ll find the forms on the notice board in the clubhouse.
Date for Your Diary
As we happily reported a few weeks ago, Paul, our Club’s chef has been declared free of cancer and is making a great recovery and there’s a welcome return to the Club of our Sunday lunches. The first one will be on Sunday 3rd October and we’ll be having two sittings at 12.30pm and 2.30pm. We are working on the menu and will let you know when the booking site goes live.
Christmas and New Year
Hurrah and hallelujah – our Club’s Christmas parties are back! With a delicious and seasonal menu, we’ve set the dates and everything is available to book online! We will get really booked up so please reserve your tables for yourselves or why not have a chat with friends, family or work colleagues to get booked in!
And for the first time in many years, we are planning a New Year’s Eve dinner spectacular! Chef is pulling out all the stops, so why not book in to spend a wonderful evening at the Club! A great way to say good riddance to 2021 and welcome in 2022!
We are putting together a coaching plan for juniors and seniors and we’ll be making an announcement over the next few weeks.
Croquet, walking football, the gym and table tennis are all available too. And why not get involved in one of our gym classes? Spin with added lights and music! Why not pop down to investigate how you can get involved or, failing that, for a cheeky drink and see all the great things we have on offer for yourselves.
Just finally… if anyone has any storage space, we have our furniture to store because although we’d like to think Covid is over we need to be prepared!
Meanwhile it’s a bank holiday weekend and we very much hope to see you.
James Max
Club Chairman
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