What a week. For Members of our Club, this meant a general meeting held at the McGrigor Hall on Friday evening. It was very well attended and the resolution was upheld by a majority of both those in attendance and by proxy voters. The President announced the result. 145 for the motion and 31 against. Although sad that it had to come to this, the remaining Board members and staff are extremely grateful for your support. We wish to thank our Club President, Martin Tinsley for conducting the meeting, Club Manager, Kim, for the huge amount of work to get things organised and run with due process and to David Binns for independently adjudicating the voting and proxy procedures. All much appreciated. The Board would also like to thank Bill Greeno for his contributions but underline that our Club and its staff come first when it comes to matters of personal conduct. We are relieved at the result and will now get back to our key focus. Ensuring your Club is the best that it can be. For Members there will be a more detailed communication in the coming days.
That means we now have a vacancy on the Board. We’re looking for an energetic and enthusiastic Club Member who can help us deliver on our mission. Is that you? Please do get in touch if you’d like to be considered.
Onto some amazing news. Thanks to a generous benefactor, who wishes to remain anonymous, the Club is having some works done to its flat roof. Not only will this complete our roof works project but also enable the installation of a fabulous new bespoke outdoor Clock which we hope will be an additional and striking feature for many years to come. It will be installed just to the right of the main entrance in line with the tennis court posts. Our huge thanks go to our generous benefactor for their financial support and for coordinating the works and to Adam Swan who has designed the clock face. The works are under way and we apologise for any visual or other disturbance whilst they are undertaken.
Meanwhile, it’s another busy week ahead and next Thursday sees the return of Games Night – more details below. Here’s the latest news.
Squash Junior Tournament | December 2023
Our squash juniors had their first friendly tournament at Lexden Squash Club just before Christmas. Initially, a bit nervous but they soon got the hang of it and played some great games. 32 Players took part from Mersea, Lexden, Park Drive Maldon and FOS LTC. They were then split into three groups with playoffs.
- Jacob Bunfield came 3rd
- Ben Bunfield came 6th
- George Dowsett came 3rd
All in all, a great performance from all three at their first try! Club Coach Chris was very pleased with the results…. great job boys, well played!

TODAY | Calling all Junior Members aged 11 and Under!
No plans for this afternoon? As of today, we are launching a weekly Club Session for 11 and under Junior members. The session will by run by NEETacademy who we hope most of you know and is part of the initiative sponsored and supported by Clacton Pier.
The session will run from 2-3pm and even better, it’s totally FREE! Please don’t miss this chance to join us at the Club and have a blast. You will get to play tennis, make new friends and have lots of fun.
2024 FOS|LTC Winter Doubles League
Are you ready for some tennis fun? Join the Winter Doubles League and get some practice for the upcoming season! You’ll have the chance to play against different opponents, improve your skills, and have fun on court. The entry fee is £10 and covers the cost of outdoor lights for the duration of the tournament. Tournament runs from 1st February 2024 – 30th April 2024.
Please sign up by the 28th Jan 2024. More info and to sign up click HERE.
Cardio Tennis | Thursdays from 9:30am
For the fitness fanatics amongst you, Cardio Tennis is a great way to get the blood pumping. There’s no need to be a great tennis player, as these high intensity 60-minute sessions are designed to get your heart racing as you burn off some calories! Non-members welcome – details and fees are HERE.
Gym & Squash Open Day | Saturday 20th January | 10 – 2pm
Are you ready to get fit and have fun? Don’t miss our Gym & Squash Open Day! You’ll have the chance to explore our amazing facilities and join a free squash coaching or a free fitness class… Incongruously, there’s free cake with a coffee or tea if you pop down to visit! Please do take this opportunity to see what’s on offer and how you could be a part of this fantastic fitness facility and our Club. Click HERE for more info.
Roast Sunday Lunch | Sunday 28th January | Non-Members Welcome!
Don’t miss this chance to enjoy a delicious Roast Sunday Lunch, served in the ballroom, with your family or friends. We will be serving Roast Rump of Beef, Slow Roast Shoulder of Lamb, Leek and Brie Wellington or Pan Fried Seabass and of course, some delicious desserts to go with it. Click HERE to see our menu and to book your table.
Social Events at FOS|LTC.
The social side of our Club is important too. After all, we know how much fun you like to have and that’s why we’re organising a range of events in the coming months. Who doesn’t like the 80’s! It’s going to be a disco extravaganza! I did mention that you should hold the date for the 20th January for a quiz night – due to ongoing matters (wonder what they may have been?!) we have decided to delay the event and it’s now going to be held on Friday 23rd February. For just £15 you’ll get a delicious pie supper and entry to our amazing quiz. With ridiculous and fabulous prizes! We also have dancing and live music on the way too….
Please book your tickets NOW to avoid disappointment!
80’s Disco Extravaganza | Saturday February 10 | from 8:00pm – more info HERE
Quiz & Dinner Night | Friday February 23 | from 6:30 pm – more info HERE
Live Music | Band – Stiff in the Morning | Friday March 1 | from 8:00pm more info HERE
Thursday Night is Games Night
Launched last Thursday, Games Night was introduced at the Club. Around 30 members enjoyed the inaugural evening. Both the ballroom and the bar were buzzing. In the ballroom, full use was made of the two table tennis tables, the pool table and the dart board. In the bar, many were playing the various board games provided and taking advantage of the special offers available at the bar. A high quality table tennis exhibition match was played by Clive Allenby and Andy Foster.
Games Night will run every Thursday until the grass courts open so please come on down from 19.00 next Thursday to enjoy the fun and take up the special offers at the bar.
That’s quite enough excitement for one newsletter! Have a fabulous week.
James Max
Club Chairman
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